Why I started a travel blog

Why I Started A Travel Blog

Why I Started A Travel Blog (And What Topics I Cover)

Knowing we are an RV family, it makes sense why I started a travel blog. From the moment we decided to travel full-time, our friends and family recommended we start a blog or YouTube channel to document our journey. I thought:

  1. I am already a writer.
  2. I have a bit of experience in social media management.
  3. I wanted to savor our adventures, so pictures and details would be saved anyway.
  4. I thought sharing our adventures from one platform made sense.
  5. I read/watched others’ RV content and gained value, so pay it forward.

On paper, it checked all the boxes. So much so that I bought a fresh website domain and researched “how to start a travel blog” and O Family, Where Art Thou? was born.

Why I started a travel blog

What Will Our Travel Blog Cover?

Fast forward a few months and almost 20,000 words later, I’ve written a lot but have yet to scratch the surface of all we’ve experienced on the road already.

Instead of only focusing on cool places to go with your family, I wanted to answer common questions about the why and how of traveling. I started a travel blog not to only recommend destinations, but to inspire others and make it easier for you. Thus, the three categories of our blog were decided:

I want to help answer these three questions:
? Places To Go
Why? Benefits of Family Travel
How? Make Travel Easier

In The Blog: Places To Go

We’ve traveled to almost two dozen states and I thought it would be logical to write about each destination in order.

Our first major road trip was to Texas in November 2022. Therefore, I’ve written about Texas and still have a lot of ground to cover (pun intended).

Read about our Texas tips so far:
 📍 Houston to New Orleans Road Trip: Best Routes and Must-See Pit Stops
 📍 27 Things To Do With Kids In Waco (2023)
📍 Is Waco Worth Visiting? 13 Reasons To Visit & Things To Do in 2023

Create Your Own Visited States Map

States we’ve already been to as of June 2023:
1. Texas
2. Louisiana
3. Mississippi
4. Alabama
5. Georgia
6. Florida
7. Tennessee
8. North Carolina
9. South Carolina
10. Virginia
11. Pennsylvania
12. Massachusetts
13. Washington, D.C.
14. Delaware
15. New Jersey
16. New York
17. Massachusetts
18. Connecticut
19. Rhode Island
20. New Hampshire
21. Maine

As you can imagine, writing 3-5 blogs on each state will take some time. But I am here for it. I am ready to share our top trips and tips. It will all be worth it!

Visiting New Orleans inspired me to start a travel blog

In The Blog: Benefits Of Family Travel

I began researching the developmental advantages kids gain when they travel. It’s blown my mind.

Did you know 75% of the time we spend with our kids happens by the time they are twelve? This means that their early years are crucial for building memories, bonding, and creating a strong foundation for our future relationships.

Topics I am already researching for you:
∙ Benefits of educational travel
∙ Travel as a learning experience
∙ Educational trips for children
∙ Travel and experiential learning
∙ Cultural Awareness Boosts Confidence
∙ Travel Sparks Creativity and Curiosity in Children
∙ Enhance Your Kids Social Skills On The Road
∙ Build Lifelong Bonds By Taking At Least Two Family Trips A Year
∙ Learning Outside The Classroom Accelerates Retention
… so stay tuned by joining our newsletter waitlist HERE! 📧

Time is fleeting and we have the chance to strengthen these relationships and expedite our child’s development by taking vacations and guiding them through hands-on cultural, historical, and spiritual lessons.

Research consistently shows that taking at least two vacations a year has numerous benefits for overall well-being. That is why set a goal to help families travel where they can when they can.

I started a travel blog because we were traveling full-time in an RV

In The Blog: Make Travel Easier

Traveling as a family doesn’t have to be overwhelming. While it may come with challenges like scheduling conflicts, budgeting, and logistical issues, we’re here to help you in making it a smoother experience.

To no surprise, the top reasons more families do not travel are money, work, comfort zones and they feel their children are too young.

According to a recent study & PR survey by OnePoll.us in New York,

∙ 55% of Americans believe that seeing new places when they were younger motivated them to travel more as an adult

∙ 84% of parents in this survey (2000 people total) said they want their kids to see more of the world than they have (which might be because 14% had never left the US)

∙ 52% of the parents said they teach their kids about the world using movies and television, 51% utilize books, and 45% turn to toys and games

In this section of O Family, Where Art Thou, I want to work through some of these obstacles. I want to offer solutions, different perspectives, and resources that will make everyone’s travel experience easier.

Whether it’s road trip essentials or best practices to get a cheap flight, I want to hold your hand through making these brave steps to make travel a priority for your family.

For example, a recent blog: How To Start A Travel Savings Fund

How You Can Follow Our Travels?

The best way to follow along, join our newsletter!

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As you can tell, I do not update our journey in real-time. In a perfect world, I’d have the capacity to coordinate our travels, homeschool the kids flawlessly, snap pictures/videos of our adventures, enthusiastically share on social media, and then write a compelling blog that inspires you to start your own fun.

But it’s not a perfect world 🙂

I started a travel blog because I wanted to document our travels

Fun Fact: Nick and I wrote a book called Love Fast Live Slow in 2020 where the premise is in order to experience peace, you must step back, slow down, and serve others. This simple reminder holds me accountable to not get ahead of myself or dive into the hustle culture I’ve combated for decades.

Instead of setting unrealistic goals for myself, I’ve decided to set a goal to write 2 blogs a week. I’ve also signed up for an SEO course that teaches me to write in such a way that my articles would appear on Google searches more often.

You will notice this blog has a less “diary” vibe and more of a guided practical approach. I love writing stories and books but this travel blog will be a mixture of outlines, travel studies, and guides for certain destinations.

To see what we are sharing, sign up for our newsletter: JOIN HERE!

How Long Will You Be Traveling Full-Time?

In short, we do not know. We started in February 2023 and would love to see every state by 2025. We also have dreams of going overseas and visiting Europe (Laura’s old stomping grounds).

We want what’s best for everyone in our family. We are constantly checking in and seeing if all five of us are still on board to live this nomadic life. So far, so good!

Much like everything in our life, we want to take things slow. We have a lot of “that would be neat” ideas… but in actuality, we will see where God leads up along the way.

Visiting New York City

Where Is “Home”?

Nick and I grew up in Georgia, met in Georgia, and got married in Georgia. However, we have lived in Florida for over a decade and call that home. All three of our kids were born there and we have an incredible community and church family.

If the housing market would calm down 🙃, we could see ourselves buying land and building a house. All the while, still fueling our travel bug by car, plane, or boat.

In Short: Why I Started A Travel Blog?

I started a travel blog because I want to share our unique experiences, insights, and tips. Once I realized I did not have to “lifecast” (share on social media in real-time) to inspire others to travel more, I knew blogging was a steady outlet for me to do what I love.

I love to write.
I love to travel.

After studying best practices of other bloggers, I discovered that blogging can lead to a full-time income. That’s been intriguing for sure. I am on that journey and willing to work hard to see if something I love could bring in fun money for our travels.

Maybe we will see you on the road!

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